About us

Igone Gonzalez Berganza, Senior Partner
I am a lawyer registered at the Bar Association, Orihuela, registration number 1.253, specializing in Civil Law, Criminal Law & Foreign Law, with vast experience in Property Law and Conveyance.
In September, 2006, I decided to establish myself as an independent lawyer and created my own law firm, from which I began to collaborate with other lawyers and professionals within law, dealing with clients both from Spain and abroad involving a wide range of cases inside and outside of Court.
I gained my degree in Law at Alicante University and then went on to do my post-graduate in the School of Law Practice, Alicante, as well as a Masters in Foreign Law, Immigration and Nationality and international private law in the Business School at Alicante University.
For the past two years I have been a registered member of “Turno de Oficio” in Orihuela' assisting arrested people through the legal aid system, including minors, victims of domestic violence and foreigners to Spain.
On a daily basis my work involves helping both English and Spanish speaking clients.
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Raquel Gil Escohotado
I am a lawyer registered at the Bar Association in Alicante, registration number 6.970, specializing in Civil Law, Criminal Law and Business Law, with lots of experience in Fiscal Law, Accountancy and Labor Law.
I gained my degree in law at Alicante University and then went on to do my post-graduate in the School of Law Practice in Alicante, as well as a Masters in Fiscal and Business law, at Fundesm Business School.